Mangesh Kumar Bhardwaj Interview: Founder of BloggingQnA | Blogging vs YouTube | BRIS-8

Interview of Mangesh Kumar Bhardwaj from BloggingQnA Blogging vs YouTube

Hey, Welcome to 8th interview in the BloggingRay Interview Series (BRIS).

Today, I am interviewing Mangesh Kumar Bhardwaj from BloggingQnA.

Mangesh Kumar is producing content on both blog and YouTube regularly.

You can find insane blogging and YouTube tips from this interview.

You can also find Blogging vs YouTube in this interview.

Interview of Mangesh Kumar Bhardwaj from BloggingQnA

Without any delay, let’s jump into the interview.

Q1. Hey Mangesh, can you introduce yourself to my community?

Hello everyone, this is Mangesh Kumar Bhardwaj, 24 years old, Blogger, Youtuber and Affiliate marketer and founder of and BloggingQnA YouTube channel.

I am into digital field since October 2016 but got results after struggling almost 2 years. Apart from this I am also running multiple blogs in different niches.

Q2. Can you share about your educational background?

Yes, sure. I have done my schooling from Navyug School, Vinay mark, Chanakyapuri in New Delhi 110011. After that I took admission in IP university and now, I am graduated from IP university in BBA(B&I).

That’s all about my education background.

Q3. Who inspired you to start blogging?

Honestly speaking when I start exploring blogging only I successful blogger I got to know that is Harsh Agarwal. We all know him and most of Indian bloggers are inspired by him.

I am also one of them. I got to know about blogging, then started exploring shoudmeloud and learned many things from there.

Slowly I started implementing those things. After that I inspired by many bloggers. Specially Anil Agarwal, Ankit Singla, Kulwant Nagi and many more.

Q4. What are the reasons behind the selection of Blogging QnA name?

The story behind this name is quite funny or you can say interesting.

I was surfing on Quora and found that quora are a QnA forum where people ask whatever they want.

Similarly, I got a click in my mind that I know about blogging so I will create a blog around blogging where I will answer all the blogging related questions.

And that’s how I named it “BloggingQnA”.

Q5. What is your daily routine? Can you share some productivity tips?

Honestly speaking, there is no fixed routine for me. This is the beauty of blogging. You got all the freedom. You can work when you want and you can take rest anytime.

This is exactly how I work; I work when I feel like working, and I take rest when I want it. No fixed routine, no fixed time table. But yeah, when it comes to working hours. I work 4 to 6 hours daily.

Q6. Which hosting you recommend for beginners? And why?

It totally depends, What I believe all hosting are good and all are bad. Every hosting has their own advantages and disadvantages.

Some will give you best feature at high price.

Some hosting will give good feature with cheap price

Some provides better security.

Some provides the best customer support

Some provides you the best speed.

what I believe is you have to choose hosting according to your budget and site requirement. If you are a beginner you don’t need to invest huge money in expensive hosting.

You can start with hostinger hosting. Best hosting for beginners at affordable price.

If you want a detailed review on hostinger you can check out below tutorial.

But if you have high traffic site then hostinger can’t handle it. Then you need some strong server like cloudways, wpx or some other strong servers.

So it totally depends on your budget and site requirement.

If you are beginner and want to start your WordPress blog at cheapest price. Check out below guide with freebies.

Q7. What are your thoughts on Blogging vs YouTube?

Both are the perfect thing to make a successful brand these days. If you want fame fast go and start producing content on YouTube.

In my case my all name and fame credit go to my YouTube channel. Blogging is best business model to make thousands of dollars from home.

I don’t see any blogging VS YouTube.

For me its blogging + YouTube = Lots of success and money.

I recommend everyone don’t choose 1 between blogging and YouTube. Go for both of them simultaneously and the result you will get will change your life for sure. I am the live example in front of you.

I started blogging and YouTube simultaneously and today I have almost everything that I am dreaming of.

Q8. What challenges you faced in your YouTube Challenge?

For me, biggest challenges are to handle negativity and hate in the initial days.  And yaa not getting audience in the initial stage.

I guess this is the challenge that every newbie youtuber face in the early stage.

And the solution for this is only 1, keep producing content that will give value to your audience with consistency.

Consistency + hard work can beat any talent or skills.

This mantra I have learned from my all the experiences till now.

Can you share some tips to produce videos regularly on YouTube?

As I told you consistency will make your win everywhere.

No matter what happened. I have decided that, in an interval of 2,3 days I have to publish a video by hook or crook.

For that I have noted all the topics with date of publish in my notepad. This way I never feel lack of video ideas.

Also my audience also suggest various topics to create video content.

Q9. Can you share some email marketing tips?

Email marketing is the best way to get sales, traffic without depending on google. I am still learning it and exploring email marketing.

Till now, I have tried various things and getting good results. Below are the 3 most important tip that I learned from my experience, that you need to follow to get success in email marketing: –

  1. Be consistent with your email sending and don’t forget to nurture your subscribers time to time.
  2. Try to make catchy heading to get max open rate because open rate is the very first step to get sales of traffic in email marketing. If they are not opening your mails, it is waste for you.
  3. Don’t just promote stuff just for the sale and traffic. Make sure you also provide value through emails. Hard selling will lead you to lose trust in your subscribers.

Q10. What are your black Friday promotion strategies?

I have created a complete strategy on how to produce content. This black Friday along with the blog I will try to publish YouTube videos also.

That will maximize my sales with the help of YouTube videos also.

Q11. How to promote affiliate products on Facebook?

It all about converting your visitors in audience. If you have audience on FB or any social media platform, that means they trust you and they follow you.

So if you have good audience on any platform and they are trusting you then selling affiliate products will be super easy for you.

So try to build audience in the form of Facebook group. And start nurturing that audience with value and support. And then you can start promoting any products.

Q12. What are your thoughts on my blog Blogging Ray? Can you share some suggestions?

Brother you are quite active on social media platform. But honestly speaking I guess you are less consistent with your blog and maybe that is the fallback for you blog.

Apart from that you are very supporting and helping. Specially on twitter you helped me a lot.\

Thanks a lot for that. More and lots of success to you.

Q13. Can you share some tips to get affiliate sales?

Sure, here are my 3 best tip to get affiliate sales fast: –

  1. As I told you previously, Start converting your visitors in audience. If you have audience in your niche. Getting sales will be easier for you.
  2. Don’t confuse your audience by promotion multiple products at one point of time. I did this mistake in the initial days. After some time, I realized my audience is confused between various products. So I decided to promote only 1 product at one point of time.
  3. Find out the pain point of your audience and suggest them the problem-solving product with the help of tutorial and guides. This will convert best.

Q14. Can you share some tips to network with other bloggers?

3 Simple steps for networking within your niche: –

  1. First of all, follow them on their social media platforms.
  2. Appreciate their content by commenting, sharing, liking.
  3. Connect with them and have some conversation with them to get noticed.

If you follow these steps sooner or later, not only you, but they will also start appreciating your content by sharing with your audience.

Q15. Google AdSense vs Affiliate Marketing. What are your thoughts on it?

Some people say Adsense is best. Some says affiliate is best.

According to me both are best. You need to identify which methods suits your blog niche to monetize.

In job niche sites, or movie niche sites. You can’ monetize it with affiliate marketing. There adsense will work like a charm.

Similarly, In blogging, SEO and make money niche, affiliate marketing is the perfect way to monetize.

For best understanding have a look at the below tutorial: –

Q16. You are producing articles regularly? What are the tips to produce content like you?

When it comes to producing articles, I am not very much regular on bloggingQnA blog. I hardly publish 5 to 6 articles in a month.

Write know I have hired content writer. So, I just have to share topic and outlines and rest of the work will be done by them.

Q17. Can you share some tips to get brand deals?

The funda is very simple. You just need to create quality content for your audience. And if you are getting good results from your audience, brands will reach out to you automatically.

Till now, I haven’t approached any brand by myself. Every time brand approached to me. So keep creating quality content and brand will approach you directly.

That’s my mantra with brand deals.

Q18. How much time it takes you to make first affiliate sale from your blog? What strategies you followed to generate the first sale?

When I started affiliate marketing, I already have a good audience till the time. So, for me, it just took 1 or 2 days to get first sale from affiliate marketing from my blog.

I just created a content around an affiliate product and then share it with my audience through YouTube community tab, Telegram channel, FB group.

Within 2 day I got first affiliate sale. It was 65 dollars from a hosting sale.

Q19. Can you share some tips to generate traffic to brand new blog?

This is question that I got a lot on regular basis. See blogging is not a sprint race, it’s a marathon race. It will give you results in long run. If you are expecting quick traffic after just setting up the blog, then it is not possible.

Getting organic traffic on new blog is quite difficult. It will take almost 4 to 5 months for organic traffic. Till then, you have to utilize social media platforms and other methods collaboration with influencers in your niche.

This will give you initial push to your blog. Don’t just wait for organic traffic. Build your own traffic.

I personally followed 12 methods that helped me to get traffic without seo. Below is the video where I have shared every method.

Q20. Where to contact you?

I am most active on my Instagram account and telegram channel. Below are some social media handles links to reach me anytime.

Facebook: –

Instagram: –

Telegram Channel: –

Facebook Group: –

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I hope this interview of Mangesh Kumar Bhardwaj will help you.

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Thank you.

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