5 Best Ways to Make Money on YouTube in 2024

best ways to make money on YouTube

Are you searching for best ways to make money on YouTube? then this article is for you in this 2022.

YouTube is a great platform to share your knowledge with the world. In this platform you have to create the content in the form of videos and have to upload to the YouTube.

You have to follow SEO guidance to your videos. Your videos will start ranking and you will get views from YouTube search.

If your videos engaging more then you will also get the views from suggested videos.

Next you have to setup your social media and you have to promote these videos on social media regularly.

You have to grow your channel subscribers.

If you get the views from YouTube search and suggested videos you will get lot of subscribers from YouTube.

You have to produce the videos regularly to engage with your YouTube audience.

This is one part. Producing videos and growing the channel.

Next you have to monetize your work on YouTube. You have to make some money with your videos.

In this article, I am going to explain you 5 best ways to make money on YouTube.

Without any delay let’s go the the list.

How to Make Money on YouTube with Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is monetizing program by YouTube itself.

For Adsense monetization your have to cross the threshold 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watch time in the last 365 days.

Once your channel reach this threshold you can apply for monetization. YouTube will review your channel.

If your channel is ok with YouTube guidelines and policies then you will get the monetization approval from the YouTube.

Once you got the monetization approval from YouTube, you will start making money with Google Adsense.

Google Adsense pays you money by CPM and CPC.

CPM is cost per 1000 ad impressions.

CPC is cost per click.

You will be paid when your audience watching ads and clicking on your ads.

These cpm and cpc rates depend on which keywords you have chosen and from which geo location you are getting views.

If you get the views from well developed countries then you will make more money from Google Adsense.

If you target the high CPC keywords then also you will make more money from YouTube.

With combination of high CPC keywords and views from well developed countries then your Google Adsense earnings will be more and more.

But getting views for high CPC keywords are some what tough. You have to do proper YouTube SEO and you have to make videos very interesting.

How to Earn Money on YouTube with Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money on YouTube.

Promoting others products and getting commission on sale is the affiliate marketing.

You already know most people promote amazon products through social media and blogs.

They are promoting amazon products as an affiliate . they will get commission when you buy products through those links.

In affiliate marketing you will make money when you bring the sales. If there is no sales or any conversion then these is no money.

To do affiliate marketing effectively on YouTube, you have to make the videos around the affiliate products.

First you have to know the about products. What are the features of products. Which type of problems it solve.

You have to identify the problems related to your affiliate products.

You have to produce videos how this affiliate product will solve the users problem.

Users come to online to find the solutions for their problems. They search solutions for their problems on YouTube.

You have to do videos as the user searching on YouTube.

You will make very handsome amount with affiliate marketing.

Take a example of siteground affilaite marketing. They pay 50 dollars per sale. If you do more sales they will pay more money to you.

How to Make Money on YouTube with Sponsored Videos?

Sponsored Videos are great way to make quick money. Once you close the deal you will make money.

If your channel is getting good number of views, then companies will contact you to make the sponsored or paid videos for them.

They will pay you the money depending on your channel size and videos views.

You can also contact the companies personally to get the sponsored deals.

In this you have to choose the sponsors related to your YouTube channel. You have to add the value to your YouTube audience.

You have to choose the sponsors depending on how they are helpful for your YouTube audience.

Digital Products – one of Best Ways to Make Huge Money on YouTube

Digital products are great way to make more money on YouTube.

You have to create your own ebooks and video courses for your YouTube audience. You have to promote these products to your YouTube audience.

You will make very better amount with digital products.

Observe the most YouTube channels, they get the more money with digital products and affiliate marketing.

Services and Consultation

Most of your YouTube audience want to connect with you. They want service from you. They require consultation from you.

You can offer the services like website design, logo design etc depending on your audience.

You can offer consultation via voice call or video call.

You can charge for this services and consultation. You will make quick money with this method.

On my YouTube channel, I mostly offering services and consultation.


Now its your turn.

How you will apply these methods to your YouTube channel. You can apply all these methods on your YouTube channel.

From the above ways to make money on YouTube, which method is working better for you. let me know in the comments.

I hope this article will help you to make money on youtube.

If you like this article share it with your social media.

Thank you.

2 thoughts on “5 Best Ways to Make Money on YouTube in 2024”

  1. Hey Venkat Randa ,

    Great post with effective tips to generate money through youtube. Watching an alluring video on youtube is liked by many people and in today’s time Youtube have become a great platform to generate money, share ideas, knowledge with the entire world . Many people are using it for several purposes like promotion, branding and making an alluring prank video.

    The Craze of youtube is increasing day by day. Not only kids but also kids, teenagers and adults like to watch youtube. Youtube really rocks if it is used correctly or in a proper way.

    Affiliate marketing is also an effective source to earn money by promoting others products. Your all the listed tips are effective and works well but i truly like an idea of affiliate marketing, sponsored videos and google Adsense. As this post will help several people, readers and users to generate money on youtube.

    Truly helpful post and thanks for sharing.

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